Nonprofit Management Simplified: Board and Volunteer Development


Nonprofit Management Simplified: Board and Volunteer Development


Everything you need to know about nonprofit board and volunteer development programs, this handbook is a companion to the Board Responsibilities video available under the “Training Videos” tab.

More Information

This second edition of the handbook on board and volunteer development covers every aspect of recruitment, recognition, training and dismissal of all types of volunteers:  virtual, disabled, board, committee, program and high-capacity volunteers. It is one of three in the Nonprofit Management Series.  To order the series at a discounted price, search for “Nonprofit Management Simplified: the Series.”  Chapters in this handbook, available at this website and at, include:

  1. How to avoid mutant ninja turtle board members,
  2. A strategic plan which does not stay on the shelf,
  3. Motto for effective meetings:  “The mind can absorb only what the posterior can endure,”
  4. Executive Director performance reviews: necessary or optional?
  5. Executive Director reports to the board: proof you are doing your job and the nonprofit is on the right track,
  6. Volunteer development: engaging all types of volunteers who become donors.

A practical guide, all of the 137 pages of templates, policies and procedures in the 8.5″x11″ handbook are fully field-tested and applicable to any type or size of nonprofit